Check censored data
is returned as is if no errors are found, otherwise an informative error message is returned prompting the user to make the required correction to the raw data before proceeding. Checks with warnings can be fixed at the discretion of the user before proceeding.
This function is used internally within readMWRcens
to run several checks on the input data for completeness and conformance.
The following checks are made:
Column name spelling: Should be the following: Parameter, Missed and Censored Records
Columns present: All columns from the previous check should be present
Non-numeric or empty entries in Missed and Censored Records: All values should be numbers
Negative Missed and Censored Records: All values should be greater than or equal to zero
Parameter: Should match parameter names in the
Simple Parameter
orWQX Parameter
columns of theparamsMWR
data (warning only)
censpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleCensored.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
censdat <- suppressWarnings(readxl::read_excel(censpth, na = c('NA', 'na', ''), guess_max = Inf))
#> Running checks on censored data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric or empty values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking for negative values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking Parameter Name formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> # A tibble: 8 × 2
#> Parameter `Missed and Censored Records`
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Water Temp 0
#> 2 pH 12
#> 3 DO 1
#> 4 Sp Conductance 0
#> 5 TP 0
#> 6 Nitrate 0
#> 7 Ammonia 0
#> 8 E.coli 0