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Analyze outliers in results file for all parameters


  res = NULL,
  acc = NULL,
  fset = NULL,
  fig_height = 4,
  fig_width = 8,
  format = c("word", "png", "zip"),
  output_file = NULL,
  type = c("box", "jitterbox", "jitter"),
  dtrng = NULL,
  repel = TRUE,
  outliers = FALSE,
  labsize = 3,
  fill = "lightgrey",
  alpha = 0.8,
  width = 0.8,
  yscl = "auto",
  ttlsize = 1.2,
  bssize = 11,
  runchk = TRUE,
  warn = TRUE



character string of path to the results file or data.frame for results returned by readMWRresults


character string of path to the data quality objectives file for accuracy or data.frame returned by readMWRacc


optional list of inputs with elements named res, acc, frecom, sit, or wqx overrides the other arguments


numeric for plot heights in inches


numeric for plot width in inches


character string indicating if results are placed in a word file, as separate png files, or as a zipped file of separate png files in output_dir


character string of the output directory for the results


optional character string for the file name if format = "word"


character indicating "box", "jitterbox", or "jitter", see details


character indicating whether the summaries are grouped by month, site, or week of year


character string of length two for the date ranges as YYYY-MM-DD, optional


logical indicating if overlapping outlier labels are offset


logical indicating if outliers are returned to the console instead of plotting


numeric indicating font size for the outlier labels


numeric indicating fill color for boxplots


numeric from 0 to 1 indicating transparency of fill color


numeric for width of boxplots


character indicating one of "auto" (default), "log", or "linear", see details


numeric value indicating font size of the title relative to other text in the plot


numeric for overall plot text scaling, passed to theme_minimal


logical to run data checks with checkMWRresults or checkMWRacc, applies only if res or acc are file paths


logical to return warnings to the console (default)


A word document named outlierall.docx (or name passed to output_file) if format = "word" or separate png files for each parameter if format = "png" will be saved in the directory specified by output_dir


This function is a wrapper to anlzMWRoutlier to create plots for all parameters with appropriate data in the water quality monitoring results


# results data path
respth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleResults.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')

# results data
resdat <- readMWRresults(respth)
#> Running checks on results data...
#> 	Checking column names... OK
#> 	Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> 	Checking valid Activity Types... OK
#> 	Checking Activity Start Date formats... OK
#> 	Checking depth data present... OK
#> 	Checking for non-numeric values in Activity Depth/Height Measure... OK
#> 	Checking Activity Depth/Height Unit... OK
#> 	Checking Activity Relative Depth Name formats... OK
#> 	Checking values in Activity Depth/Height Measure > 1 m / 3.3 ft... OK
#> 	Checking Characteristic Name formats... OK
#> 	Checking Result Values... OK
#> 	Checking for non-numeric values in Quantitation Limit... OK
#> 	Checking QC Reference Values... OK
#> 	Checking for missing entries for Result Unit... OK
#> 	Checking if more than one unit per Characteristic Name... OK
#> 	Checking acceptable units for each entry in Characteristic Name... OK
#> All checks passed!

# accuracy path
accpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleDQOAccuracy.xlsx', 
     package = 'MassWateR')

# accuracy data
accdat <- readMWRacc(accpth)
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for accuracy...
#> 	Checking column names... OK
#> 	Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> 	Checking column types... OK
#> 	Checking no "na" in Value Range... OK
#> 	Checking for text other than <=, ≤, <, >=, ≥, >, ±, %, AQL, BQL, log, or all... OK
#> 	Checking overlaps in Value Range... OK
#> 	Checking gaps in Value Range... OK
#> 	Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> 	Checking for missing entries for unit (uom)... OK
#> 	Checking if more than one unit (uom) per Parameter... OK
#> 	Checking acceptable units (uom) for each entry in Parameter... OK
#> 	Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!

# \donttest{
# create word output
anlzMWRoutlierall(resdat, accdat, group = 'month', format = 'word', output_dir = tempdir())
#> Word document created successfully! File located at /tmp/RtmppHCq1Z/outlierall.docx

# create png output
anlzMWRoutlierall(resdat, accdat, group = 'month', format = 'png', output_dir = tempdir())
#> PNG files created successfully! Files located at /tmp/RtmppHCq1Z

# create zipped png output
anlzMWRoutlierall(resdat, accdat, group = 'month', format = 'zip', output_dir = tempdir())
#> PNG files created successfully! Zipped files located at /tmp/RtmppHCq1Z
# }