Run quality control completeness checks for water quality monitoring results
Run quality control completeness checks for water quality monitoring results
- res
character string of path to the results file or
for results returned byreadMWRresults
- frecom
character string of path to the data quality objectives file for frequency and completeness or
returned byreadMWRfrecom
- cens
character string of path to the censored data file or
returned byreadMWRcens
, optional- fset
optional list of inputs with elements named
, orwqx
overrides the other arguments- runchk
logical to run data checks with
, applies only ifres
are file paths- warn
logical to return warnings to the console (default)
The output shows the completeness checks from the combined files. Each row applies to a completeness check for a parameter. The datarec
and qualrec
columns show the number of data records and qualified records, respectively. The datarec
column specifically shows only records not for quality control by excluding those as duplicates, blanks, or spikes in the count. The standard
column shows the relevant percentage required for the quality control check from the quality control objectives file, the complete
column shows the calculated completeness taken from the input data, and the met
column shows if the standard was met by comparing if complete
is greater than or equal to standard
The function can be used with inputs as paths to the relevant files or as data frames returned by readMWRresults
, readMWRfrecom
, and readMWRcens
(optional). For the former, the full suite of data checks can be evaluated with runkchk = T
(default) or suppressed with runchk = F
. In the latter case, downstream analyses may not work if data are formatted incorrectly. For convenience, a named list with the input arguments as paths or data frames can be passed to the fset
argument instead. See the help file for utilMWRinput
Note that frequency is only evaluated on parameters in the Parameter
column in the data quality objectives frequency and completeness file. A warning is returned if there are parameters in Parameter
in the frequency and completeness file that are not in Characteristic Name
in the results file.
Similarly, parameters in the results file in the Characteristic Name
column that are not found in the data quality objectives frequency and completeness file are not evaluated. A warning is returned if there are parameters in Characteristic Name
in the results file that are not in Parameter
in the frequency and completeness file.
A similar warning is returned if there are parameters in the censored data, if provided, that are not in the results file. However, an error is returned if there are parameters in the data quality objectives frequency and completeness file that are not in the censored data file.
All warnings can be suppressed by setting warn = FALSE
# using file paths
# results path
respth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleResults.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
# frequency and completeness path
frecompth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleDQOFrequencyCompleteness.xlsx',
package = 'MassWateR')
# censored path
censpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleCensored.xlsx',
package = 'MassWateR')
qcMWRcom(res = respth, frecom = frecompth, cens = censpth)
#> Running checks on results data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking valid Activity Types... OK
#> Checking Activity Start Date formats... OK
#> Checking depth data present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Activity Depth/Height Measure... OK
#> Checking Activity Depth/Height Unit... OK
#> Checking Activity Relative Depth Name formats... OK
#> Checking values in Activity Depth/Height Measure > 1 m / 3.3 ft... OK
#> Checking Characteristic Name formats... OK
#> Checking Result Values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Quantitation Limit... OK
#> Checking QC Reference Values... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Result Unit... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit per Characteristic Name... OK
#> Checking acceptable units for each entry in Characteristic Name... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for frequency and completeness...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values... OK
#> Checking for values outside of 0 and 100... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on censored data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric or empty values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking for negative values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking Parameter Name formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> Parameter datarec qualrec standard Missed and Censored R…¹ complete met
#> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 Ammonia 43 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 2 DO 49 0 90 1 98 TRUE
#> 3 E.coli 12 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 4 Nitrate 20 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 5 Sp Conductance 49 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 6 TP 48 5 90 0 89.6 FALSE
#> 7 Water Temp 49 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 8 pH 49 0 90 12 80.3 FALSE
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹`Missed and Censored Records`
# using data frames
# results data
resdat <- readMWRresults(respth)
#> Running checks on results data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking valid Activity Types... OK
#> Checking Activity Start Date formats... OK
#> Checking depth data present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Activity Depth/Height Measure... OK
#> Checking Activity Depth/Height Unit... OK
#> Checking Activity Relative Depth Name formats... OK
#> Checking values in Activity Depth/Height Measure > 1 m / 3.3 ft... OK
#> Checking Characteristic Name formats... OK
#> Checking Result Values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Quantitation Limit... OK
#> Checking QC Reference Values... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Result Unit... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit per Characteristic Name... OK
#> Checking acceptable units for each entry in Characteristic Name... OK
#> All checks passed!
# frequency and completeness data
frecomdat <- readMWRfrecom(frecompth)
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for frequency and completeness...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values... OK
#> Checking for values outside of 0 and 100... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
# censored data
censdat <- readMWRcens(censpth)
#> Running checks on censored data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric or empty values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking for negative values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking Parameter Name formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
qcMWRcom(res = resdat, frecom = frecomdat, cens = censdat)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> Parameter datarec qualrec standard Missed and Censored R…¹ complete met
#> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 Ammonia 43 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 2 DO 49 0 90 1 98 TRUE
#> 3 E.coli 12 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 4 Nitrate 20 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 5 Sp Conductance 49 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 6 TP 48 5 90 0 89.6 FALSE
#> 7 Water Temp 49 0 90 0 100 TRUE
#> 8 pH 49 0 90 12 80.3 FALSE
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹`Missed and Censored Records`