Utility function to import data as paths or data frames
res = NULL,
acc = NULL,
frecom = NULL,
sit = NULL,
wqx = NULL,
cens = NULL,
fset = NULL,
runchk = TRUE,
warn = TRUE
- res
character string of path to the results file or
for results returned byreadMWRresults
- acc
character string of path to the data quality objectives file for accuracy or
returned byreadMWRacc
- frecom
character string of path to the data quality objectives file for frequency and completeness or
returned byreadMWRfrecom
- sit
character string of path to the site metadata file or
for site metadata returned byreadMWRsites
- wqx
character string of path to the wqx metadata file or
for wqx metadata returned byreadMWRwqx
- cens
character string of path to the censored data file or
for censored data returned byreadMWRcens
- fset
optional list of inputs with elements named
, orcens
, overrides the other arguments, see details- runchk
logical to run data checks with
, orcheckMWRcens
, applies only ifres
, orcens
are file paths- warn
logical to return warnings to the console (default)
A six element list with the imported results, data quality objective files, site metadata, wqx metadata, and censored data named "resdat"
, "accdat"
, "frecomdat"
, "sitdat"
, "wqxdat"
, and "censdat"
The function is used internally by others to import data from paths to the relevant files or as data frames returned by readMWRresults
, readMWRacc
, readMWRfrecom
, readMWRsites
, readMWRwqx
, or readMWRcens
. For the former, the full suite of data checks can be evaluated with runkchk = T
(default) or suppressed with runchk = F
The fset
argument can used in place of the preceding arguments. The argument accepts a list with named elements as res
, acc
, frecom
, sit
, wqx
, or cens
, where the elements are either character strings of the path or data frames to the corresponding inputs. Missing elements will be interpreted as NULL
values. This argument is provided as convenience to apply a single list as input versus separate inputs for each argument.
Any of the arguments for the data files can be NULL
, used as a convenience for downstream functions that do not require all.
# using file paths
# results path
respth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleResults.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
# accuracy path
accpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleDQOAccuracy.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
# frequency and completeness path
frecompth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleDQOFrequencyCompleteness.xlsx',
package = 'MassWateR')
# site path
sitpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleSites.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
# wqx path
wqxpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleWQX.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
# censored path
censpth <- system.file('extdata/ExampleCensored.xlsx', package = 'MassWateR')
inp <- utilMWRinput(res = respth, acc = accpth, frecom = frecompth, sit = sitpth,
wqx = wqxpth, cens = censpth)
#> Running checks on results data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking valid Activity Types... OK
#> Checking Activity Start Date formats... OK
#> Checking depth data present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Activity Depth/Height Measure... OK
#> Checking Activity Depth/Height Unit... OK
#> Checking Activity Relative Depth Name formats... OK
#> Checking values in Activity Depth/Height Measure > 1 m / 3.3 ft... OK
#> Checking Characteristic Name formats... OK
#> Checking Result Values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Quantitation Limit... OK
#> Checking QC Reference Values... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Result Unit... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit per Characteristic Name... OK
#> Checking acceptable units for each entry in Characteristic Name... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for accuracy...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking column types... OK
#> Checking no "na" in Value Range... OK
#> Checking for text other than <=, ≤, <, >=, ≥, >, ±, %, AQL, BQL, log, or all... OK
#> Checking overlaps in Value Range... OK
#> Checking gaps in Value Range... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for unit (uom)... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit (uom) per Parameter... OK
#> Checking acceptable units (uom) for each entry in Parameter... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for frequency and completeness...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values... OK
#> Checking for values outside of 0 and 100... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on site metadata...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for missing latitude or longitude values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in latitude... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in longitude... OK
#> Checking for positive values in longitude... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Monitoring Location ID... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on WQX metadata...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking unique parameters... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on censored data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking for negative values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking Parameter Name formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> # A tibble: 571 × 18
#> `Monitoring Location ID` `Activity Type` `Activity Start Date`
#> <chr> <chr> <dttm>
#> 1 ABT-026 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 2 ABT-077 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 3 ABT-301 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 4 ABT-312 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 5 DAN-013 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 6 ELZ-004 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 7 HOP-011 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 8 NSH-002 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 9 ABT-026 Field Msr/Obs 2022-06-12 00:00:00
#> 10 ABT-062 Field Msr/Obs 2022-06-12 00:00:00
#> # ℹ 561 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: `Activity Start Time` <chr>,
#> # `Activity Depth/Height Measure` <chr>, `Activity Depth/Height Unit` <chr>,
#> # `Activity Relative Depth Name` <chr>, `Characteristic Name` <chr>,
#> # `Result Value` <chr>, `Result Unit` <chr>, `Quantitation Limit` <chr>,
#> # `QC Reference Value` <chr>, `Result Measure Qualifier` <chr>,
#> # `Result Attribute` <chr>, `Sample Collection Method ID` <chr>, …
#> # A tibble: 12 × 10
#> Parameter uom MDL UQL `Value Range` `Field Duplicate` `Lab Duplicate`
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water Temp deg C NA NA all <= 1.0 <= 1.0
#> 2 pH NA NA NA all <= 0.5 <= 0.5
#> 3 DO mg/l NA NA < 4 < 20% NA
#> 4 DO mg/l NA NA >= 4 < 10% NA
#> 5 Sp Conduct… uS/cm NA NA < 250 < 30% < 30%
#> 6 Sp Conduct… uS/cm NA 10000 >= 250 < 20% < 20%
#> 7 TP mg/l 0.01 NA < 0.05 <= 0.01 <= 0.01
#> 8 TP mg/l 0.01 NA >= 0.05 < 30% < 20%
#> 9 Nitrate mg/l 0.05 NA all < 30% < 20%
#> 10 Ammonia mg/l 0.1 NA all < 30% < 20%
#> 11 E.coli MPN/… 1 NA <50 < log30% < log30%
#> 12 E.coli MPN/… 1 NA >=50 < log20% < log20%
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: `Field Blank` <chr>, `Lab Blank` <chr>,
#> # `Spike/Check Accuracy` <chr>
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> Parameter `Field Duplicate` `Lab Duplicate` `Field Blank` `Lab Blank`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Water Temp 10 10 NA NA
#> 2 pH 10 10 NA NA
#> 3 DO 10 NA NA NA
#> 4 Sp Conductance 10 10 NA 10
#> 5 TP 10 5 10 5
#> 6 Nitrate 10 5 10 5
#> 7 Ammonia 10 5 10 5
#> 8 E.coli 10 5 10 5
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Spike/Check Accuracy` <dbl>, `% Completeness` <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 12 × 5
#> `Monitoring Location ID` `Monitoring Location Name` Monitoring Location …¹
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 ABT-026 Rte 2, Concord 42.5
#> 2 ABT-062 Rte 62, Acton 42.4
#> 3 ABT-077 Rte 27/USGS, Maynard 42.4
#> 4 ABT-144 Rte 62, Stow 42.4
#> 5 ABT-162 Cox Street bridge 42.4
#> 6 ABT-237 Robin Hill Rd, Marlboro 42.3
#> 7 ABT-301 Rte 9, Westboro 42.3
#> 8 ABT-312 Mill Road, Westboro 42.3
#> 9 DAN-013 Danforth Br, Hudson 42.4
#> 10 ELZ-004 Elizabeth Br, Stow 42.4
#> 11 HOP-011 Hop Br, Northboro 42.3
#> 12 NSH-002 Nashoba, Commonwealth, W. Co… 42.5
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹`Monitoring Location Latitude`
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Monitoring Location Longitude` <dbl>,
#> # `Location Group` <chr>
#> # A tibble: 8 × 6
#> Parameter Sampling Method Cont…¹ `Method Speciation` Result Sample Fracti…²
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water Temp NA NA NA
#> 2 pH NA NA NA
#> 3 DO NA NA NA
#> 4 Sp Conducta… NA NA NA
#> 5 TP MassWateR as P Unfiltered
#> 6 Nitrate MassWateR as N Unfiltered
#> 7 Ammonia MassWateR as N Unfiltered
#> 8 E.coli MassWateR NA NA
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Sampling Method Context`, ²`Result Sample Fraction`
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Analytical Method` <chr>,
#> # `Analytical Method Context` <chr>
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> Parameter `Missed and Censored Records`
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 pH 12
#> 2 DO 1
#> 3 Nitrate 0
# using data frames
# results data
resdat <- readMWRresults(respth)
#> Running checks on results data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking valid Activity Types... OK
#> Checking Activity Start Date formats... OK
#> Checking depth data present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Activity Depth/Height Measure... OK
#> Checking Activity Depth/Height Unit... OK
#> Checking Activity Relative Depth Name formats... OK
#> Checking values in Activity Depth/Height Measure > 1 m / 3.3 ft... OK
#> Checking Characteristic Name formats... OK
#> Checking Result Values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Quantitation Limit... OK
#> Checking QC Reference Values... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Result Unit... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit per Characteristic Name... OK
#> Checking acceptable units for each entry in Characteristic Name... OK
#> All checks passed!
# accuracy data
accdat <- readMWRacc(accpth)
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for accuracy...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking column types... OK
#> Checking no "na" in Value Range... OK
#> Checking for text other than <=, ≤, <, >=, ≥, >, ±, %, AQL, BQL, log, or all... OK
#> Checking overlaps in Value Range... OK
#> Checking gaps in Value Range... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for unit (uom)... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit (uom) per Parameter... OK
#> Checking acceptable units (uom) for each entry in Parameter... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
# frequency and completeness data
frecomdat <- readMWRfrecom(frecompth)
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for frequency and completeness...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values... OK
#> Checking for values outside of 0 and 100... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
# site data
sitdat <- readMWRsites(sitpth)
#> Running checks on site metadata...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for missing latitude or longitude values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in latitude... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in longitude... OK
#> Checking for positive values in longitude... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Monitoring Location ID... OK
#> All checks passed!
# wqx data
wqxdat <- readMWRwqx(wqxpth)
#> Running checks on WQX metadata...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking unique parameters... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
# censored data
censdat <- readMWRcens(censpth)
#> Running checks on censored data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking for negative values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking Parameter Name formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
inp <- utilMWRinput(res = resdat, acc = accdat, frecom = frecomdat, sit = sitdat,
wqx = wqxdat, cens = censdat)
#> # A tibble: 571 × 18
#> `Monitoring Location ID` `Activity Type` `Activity Start Date`
#> <chr> <chr> <dttm>
#> 1 ABT-026 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 2 ABT-077 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 3 ABT-301 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 4 ABT-312 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 5 DAN-013 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 6 ELZ-004 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 7 HOP-011 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 8 NSH-002 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 9 ABT-026 Field Msr/Obs 2022-06-12 00:00:00
#> 10 ABT-062 Field Msr/Obs 2022-06-12 00:00:00
#> # ℹ 561 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: `Activity Start Time` <chr>,
#> # `Activity Depth/Height Measure` <chr>, `Activity Depth/Height Unit` <chr>,
#> # `Activity Relative Depth Name` <chr>, `Characteristic Name` <chr>,
#> # `Result Value` <chr>, `Result Unit` <chr>, `Quantitation Limit` <chr>,
#> # `QC Reference Value` <chr>, `Result Measure Qualifier` <chr>,
#> # `Result Attribute` <chr>, `Sample Collection Method ID` <chr>, …
#> # A tibble: 12 × 10
#> Parameter uom MDL UQL `Value Range` `Field Duplicate` `Lab Duplicate`
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water Temp deg C NA NA all <= 1.0 <= 1.0
#> 2 pH NA NA NA all <= 0.5 <= 0.5
#> 3 DO mg/l NA NA < 4 < 20% NA
#> 4 DO mg/l NA NA >= 4 < 10% NA
#> 5 Sp Conduct… uS/cm NA NA < 250 < 30% < 30%
#> 6 Sp Conduct… uS/cm NA 10000 >= 250 < 20% < 20%
#> 7 TP mg/l 0.01 NA < 0.05 <= 0.01 <= 0.01
#> 8 TP mg/l 0.01 NA >= 0.05 < 30% < 20%
#> 9 Nitrate mg/l 0.05 NA all < 30% < 20%
#> 10 Ammonia mg/l 0.1 NA all < 30% < 20%
#> 11 E.coli MPN/… 1 NA <50 < log30% < log30%
#> 12 E.coli MPN/… 1 NA >=50 < log20% < log20%
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: `Field Blank` <chr>, `Lab Blank` <chr>,
#> # `Spike/Check Accuracy` <chr>
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> Parameter `Field Duplicate` `Lab Duplicate` `Field Blank` `Lab Blank`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Water Temp 10 10 NA NA
#> 2 pH 10 10 NA NA
#> 3 DO 10 NA NA NA
#> 4 Sp Conductance 10 10 NA 10
#> 5 TP 10 5 10 5
#> 6 Nitrate 10 5 10 5
#> 7 Ammonia 10 5 10 5
#> 8 E.coli 10 5 10 5
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Spike/Check Accuracy` <dbl>, `% Completeness` <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 12 × 5
#> `Monitoring Location ID` `Monitoring Location Name` Monitoring Location …¹
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 ABT-026 Rte 2, Concord 42.5
#> 2 ABT-062 Rte 62, Acton 42.4
#> 3 ABT-077 Rte 27/USGS, Maynard 42.4
#> 4 ABT-144 Rte 62, Stow 42.4
#> 5 ABT-162 Cox Street bridge 42.4
#> 6 ABT-237 Robin Hill Rd, Marlboro 42.3
#> 7 ABT-301 Rte 9, Westboro 42.3
#> 8 ABT-312 Mill Road, Westboro 42.3
#> 9 DAN-013 Danforth Br, Hudson 42.4
#> 10 ELZ-004 Elizabeth Br, Stow 42.4
#> 11 HOP-011 Hop Br, Northboro 42.3
#> 12 NSH-002 Nashoba, Commonwealth, W. Co… 42.5
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹`Monitoring Location Latitude`
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Monitoring Location Longitude` <dbl>,
#> # `Location Group` <chr>
#> # A tibble: 8 × 6
#> Parameter Sampling Method Cont…¹ `Method Speciation` Result Sample Fracti…²
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water Temp NA NA NA
#> 2 pH NA NA NA
#> 3 DO NA NA NA
#> 4 Sp Conducta… NA NA NA
#> 5 TP MassWateR as P Unfiltered
#> 6 Nitrate MassWateR as N Unfiltered
#> 7 Ammonia MassWateR as N Unfiltered
#> 8 E.coli MassWateR NA NA
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Sampling Method Context`, ²`Result Sample Fraction`
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Analytical Method` <chr>,
#> # `Analytical Method Context` <chr>
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> Parameter `Missed and Censored Records`
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 pH 12
#> 2 DO 1
#> 3 Nitrate 0
# using fset as list input
# input with paths to files
fset <- list(
res = respth,
acc = accpth,
frecom = frecompth,
sit = sitpth,
wqx = wqxpth,
cens = censpth
utilMWRinput(fset = fset)
#> Running checks on results data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking valid Activity Types... OK
#> Checking Activity Start Date formats... OK
#> Checking depth data present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Activity Depth/Height Measure... OK
#> Checking Activity Depth/Height Unit... OK
#> Checking Activity Relative Depth Name formats... OK
#> Checking values in Activity Depth/Height Measure > 1 m / 3.3 ft... OK
#> Checking Characteristic Name formats... OK
#> Checking Result Values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Quantitation Limit... OK
#> Checking QC Reference Values... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Result Unit... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit per Characteristic Name... OK
#> Checking acceptable units for each entry in Characteristic Name... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for accuracy...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking column types... OK
#> Checking no "na" in Value Range... OK
#> Checking for text other than <=, ≤, <, >=, ≥, >, ±, %, AQL, BQL, log, or all... OK
#> Checking overlaps in Value Range... OK
#> Checking gaps in Value Range... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for unit (uom)... OK
#> Checking if more than one unit (uom) per Parameter... OK
#> Checking acceptable units (uom) for each entry in Parameter... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on data quality objectives for frequency and completeness...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values... OK
#> Checking for values outside of 0 and 100... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> Checking empty columns... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on site metadata...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for missing latitude or longitude values... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in latitude... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in longitude... OK
#> Checking for positive values in longitude... OK
#> Checking for missing entries for Monitoring Location ID... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on WQX metadata...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking unique parameters... OK
#> Checking Parameter formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> Running checks on censored data...
#> Checking column names... OK
#> Checking all required columns are present... OK
#> Checking for non-numeric values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking for negative values in Missed and Censored Records... OK
#> Checking Parameter Name formats... OK
#> All checks passed!
#> $resdat
#> # A tibble: 571 × 18
#> `Monitoring Location ID` `Activity Type` `Activity Start Date`
#> <chr> <chr> <dttm>
#> 1 ABT-026 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 2 ABT-077 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 3 ABT-301 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 4 ABT-312 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 5 DAN-013 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 6 ELZ-004 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 7 HOP-011 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 8 NSH-002 Field Msr/Obs 2022-05-15 00:00:00
#> 9 ABT-026 Field Msr/Obs 2022-06-12 00:00:00
#> 10 ABT-062 Field Msr/Obs 2022-06-12 00:00:00
#> # ℹ 561 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: `Activity Start Time` <chr>,
#> # `Activity Depth/Height Measure` <chr>, `Activity Depth/Height Unit` <chr>,
#> # `Activity Relative Depth Name` <chr>, `Characteristic Name` <chr>,
#> # `Result Value` <chr>, `Result Unit` <chr>, `Quantitation Limit` <chr>,
#> # `QC Reference Value` <chr>, `Result Measure Qualifier` <chr>,
#> # `Result Attribute` <chr>, `Sample Collection Method ID` <chr>, …
#> $accdat
#> # A tibble: 12 × 10
#> Parameter uom MDL UQL `Value Range` `Field Duplicate` `Lab Duplicate`
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water Temp deg C NA NA all <= 1.0 <= 1.0
#> 2 pH NA NA NA all <= 0.5 <= 0.5
#> 3 DO mg/l NA NA < 4 < 20% NA
#> 4 DO mg/l NA NA >= 4 < 10% NA
#> 5 Sp Conduct… uS/cm NA NA < 250 < 30% < 30%
#> 6 Sp Conduct… uS/cm NA 10000 >= 250 < 20% < 20%
#> 7 TP mg/l 0.01 NA < 0.05 <= 0.01 <= 0.01
#> 8 TP mg/l 0.01 NA >= 0.05 < 30% < 20%
#> 9 Nitrate mg/l 0.05 NA all < 30% < 20%
#> 10 Ammonia mg/l 0.1 NA all < 30% < 20%
#> 11 E.coli MPN/… 1 NA <50 < log30% < log30%
#> 12 E.coli MPN/… 1 NA >=50 < log20% < log20%
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: `Field Blank` <chr>, `Lab Blank` <chr>,
#> # `Spike/Check Accuracy` <chr>
#> $frecomdat
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#> Parameter `Field Duplicate` `Lab Duplicate` `Field Blank` `Lab Blank`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Water Temp 10 10 NA NA
#> 2 pH 10 10 NA NA
#> 3 DO 10 NA NA NA
#> 4 Sp Conductance 10 10 NA 10
#> 5 TP 10 5 10 5
#> 6 Nitrate 10 5 10 5
#> 7 Ammonia 10 5 10 5
#> 8 E.coli 10 5 10 5
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Spike/Check Accuracy` <dbl>, `% Completeness` <dbl>
#> $sitdat
#> # A tibble: 12 × 5
#> `Monitoring Location ID` `Monitoring Location Name` Monitoring Location …¹
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 ABT-026 Rte 2, Concord 42.5
#> 2 ABT-062 Rte 62, Acton 42.4
#> 3 ABT-077 Rte 27/USGS, Maynard 42.4
#> 4 ABT-144 Rte 62, Stow 42.4
#> 5 ABT-162 Cox Street bridge 42.4
#> 6 ABT-237 Robin Hill Rd, Marlboro 42.3
#> 7 ABT-301 Rte 9, Westboro 42.3
#> 8 ABT-312 Mill Road, Westboro 42.3
#> 9 DAN-013 Danforth Br, Hudson 42.4
#> 10 ELZ-004 Elizabeth Br, Stow 42.4
#> 11 HOP-011 Hop Br, Northboro 42.3
#> 12 NSH-002 Nashoba, Commonwealth, W. Co… 42.5
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹`Monitoring Location Latitude`
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Monitoring Location Longitude` <dbl>,
#> # `Location Group` <chr>
#> $wqxdat
#> # A tibble: 8 × 6
#> Parameter Sampling Method Cont…¹ `Method Speciation` Result Sample Fracti…²
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Water Temp NA NA NA
#> 2 pH NA NA NA
#> 3 DO NA NA NA
#> 4 Sp Conducta… NA NA NA
#> 5 TP MassWateR as P Unfiltered
#> 6 Nitrate MassWateR as N Unfiltered
#> 7 Ammonia MassWateR as N Unfiltered
#> 8 E.coli MassWateR NA NA
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹`Sampling Method Context`, ²`Result Sample Fraction`
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: `Analytical Method` <chr>,
#> # `Analytical Method Context` <chr>
#> $censdat
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> Parameter `Missed and Censored Records`
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 pH 12
#> 2 DO 1
#> 3 Nitrate 0